Doha Development Agenda (DDA), also known as Doha Round, is the unofficial name of the Doha Work Programme on negotiations and implementation. Because of the greater influence of developing countries in setting the action plan at Doha, the new round became known as the Doha Development Agenda (DDA)as a fundamental objective is to improve the trading prospects of developing countries. That Agenda includes three main topics: industrial tariffs, topics of interest to developing countries and changes to World Trade Organization (WTO) rules (see Dispute Settlement Body-DSB). The work program lists 21 subjects. The main issues are: Reforming agricultural subsidies; Ensuring that new liberalization in the global economy respects the need for sustainable economic growth in developing countries; Improving developing countries' access to global markets for their exports. The original deadline of 1 January 2005 was missed, in fact, the Doha Round ended in December 2013 (see WTO and Bali Agreement: From Uruguay Round to Doha Round).

Editor: Giovanni AVERSA

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