The aim of this directive is to ensure the enhancement of the end-use efficiency of energy, in the Member States of the EU under the cost-effective aspect. The improvement concerns the ratio between the output of the production, services or energy and the input of the energy itself. The States must guarantee that public sector adopts national, regional and local measures, producing the largest energy savings in the shortest amount of time by respecting at least two of the following requirements: use of financial instruments for energy saving, including energy performance contracting; purchase of equipment and vehicles based on lists of energy-efficient product specifications of different classes of equipment and vehicles; purchase of equipment with lower energy consumptions; substitution or updating of the equipment in order to render them more energy-efficient.; use of energy audits; purchase of building with low energy consumptions.
Energy distributors, distribution system supervisors and retail energy sales companies, after the indication of the States on the selection of restrictions, must promote an energy end-use efficiency program and competitive energy services, develop energy audits with competitive prices, actively contribute to the funds and to financial instruments.
Valid horizontal measures include regulations, taxes and information campaigns.
Member States are also responsible for the conclusion of voluntary agreements and other market- oriented measures. The directive also contains indicative list of examples of eligible energy efficiency improvement measures to be carried out in residential and tertiary sectors, (such as wall cavity and roof insulation), industrial sector (such as more efficient use of compressed aria in products making process), transport sector (such as promotion of
energy-efficient vehicles), cross - sectoral measures (such as energy-labeling regimes).

Editor: Valeria CHIOMA

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