Until December 2018, see Inclusion Income - REI
From January 2019 the Income of Citizenship (RdC) is the most relevant social economic policy measure, in terms of size, of the Government of G. Conte in office since May 2018.
The Citizenship Income is an economic benefit, granted to the beneficiaries identified in the Emergency Decree (m_lps.29.REGISTRO UFFICIALE.U.0000582.16-01-2019), composed of two parts:
1. housing benefit up to € 3360 per year,
2. income benefit of € 6000 annually multiplied by a family coefficient.
The coordination of the RdC is in the hands of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies, the data control platform is that of the Nationale Social Security Institute - INPS.
The beneficiaries will be able to access the RdC, after verification by the INPS and the Municipality of residence of the possession of the requirements, on condition that they do not refuse the job offers that the employment centers will send. It will be operational in April 2019.
Relief and rebates (on social security contributions) are introduced at the RCD for employers who will hire RdC recipients on permanent contracts.
For people over the age of 67, the Citizenship Pension is introduced.

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