The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. is a global investment banking and securities firm which engages in investment banking, securities, investment management, and other financial services, primarily with institutional clients. Goldman Sachs was founded in 1869 and is headquartered at 200 West Street in the Lower Manhattan area of New York City.
The firm has offices in major international financial centres and provides mergers and acquisitions advice, underwriting services, asset management, and prime brokerage to its clients, which include corporations, governments and individuals. The firm also engages in proprietary trading and private equity deals and is a primary dealer in the United States Treasury security market.
Goldman Sachs “is a financial advisor, lender, investor and asset manager. Its role is not always visible to consumers, and they do not engage in many traditional commercial banking activities. They connect buyers and sellers, linking investors and capital with the businesses and governments in need of it. This fuels job creation and innovation, while increasing tax revenue and facilitating economic development”.
Editor: Chiara OLDANI